Back to School Oral Health Checkup

Back to School Oral Health Checkup

Getting clean and healthy teeth goes way beyond just looking great in your child’s school pictures this fall. Sure, a white healthy smile looks great in photographs, but did you know a truly healthy smile can help your child out academically? It’s true! In fact, a recent study found that approximately 34 million (yes, million!) hours of school are missed each year due to acute or unplanned dental care – that is, dental emergencies such as painful cavities, infections, or injuries – many of which can be prevented by routine dental care. Now that school has started, here are some things you can do to get your child back in the swing of great oral health habits for the new school year and beyond.Brush Up On ThingsHave you replaced your family’s toothbrushes yet? We recommend you do so every three to four months, so if you haven’t, now is the perfect time. Replacing toothbrushes is important because old brushes can harbor germs and bacteria, and the bristles of the brush can become bent, making them work less effectively.  By replacing them every quarter, you start from a clean slate and make sure your brush is working at optimum performance. This also applies if you use an electric toothbrush.Ace Your ExamsHaven’t been in to see Dr. Peterson in a while? It may be time to schedule your exam and cleaning for the fall. Start the new school year off right with clean healthy teeth and help ensure your child won’t be missing any valuable instructional time due to cavities or gum infections that come up as emergencies later.Get EvaluatedAre you concerned about your child’s smile? Perhaps it’s not as straight as you’d like it.  Your child may be at the age that it is time to be evaluated for braces. Dr. Peterson offers many cosmetic solutions including orthodontics in his clinic, and would be happy to offer orthodontic evaluation upon request, just call the office and request a consultationTake NotesDr. Peterson recommends when you get all that paperwork from your child’s new teacher to take a look at that school calendar and schedule your dental appointments while it’s fresh in your mind.  Make your child’s oral health a priority this school year, and hopefully your child will not miss school due to oral health issues this year.  

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